Lone Aggersbjerg CEO & Founder of Tink Tank GmbH and Tink Tank Spaces GmbH in Germany.
Lone Aggersbjerg
Lone Aggersbjerg is CEO & Founder of Tink Tank GmbH and Tink Tank Spaces GmbH, premium coworking spaces in Heidelberg, Germany. She is speaker and influencer for #NewWork, #Future Work and Chairwoman of the Association “N/WOW”, a national pioneer for a flexible, innovative, sustainable living and working environment.
Lone previously worked at SAP for 15 years and held strategic management positions within the SAP partner ecosystem, industries and mobile development, as well as operations and management in supporting roles. Prior to that, she worked at AOL in Hamburg and KMD in Denmark in project and project and product management roles.
Lone's leadership positions have driven high-end programs focused on strengthening diversity in technology and development.
She holds a patent for a speaker platform to promote great female talent and help them become public speakers, and she received the Digital Female Leader Award in 2018 for her outstanding work in diversity. Lone has published a whitepaper on topic "hybrid working" and is in the process of publishing her first book on hybrid work and workplaces.
Lone works for and with all types of businesses, advising them on both new work, new working models and supporting start-ups at various stages of their growth. She works daily with companies in support with their digital transformation needs with humanized methods such as design thinking and modern communication to help clients equip themselves for their future, as well as a certified coach.
She holds a Master's degree in International Market Communication and Management from Aalborg University, Denmark. She is a certified ICF coach. Lone is based in Heidelberg, Germany. She is a Danish citizen.
At Tonik she hosts – together with Kirsten Bundgaard, Vice Rector Administration VIA University College, the workshop „Future of Work & Impact on Leadership”.