Stewart BewleyFounder
Stewart founded Amplify back in 2011. Since then he has coached 22.000 people in 92 countries to become confident communicators. He has coached Microsoft since 2015, Google since 2018, and Visa’s UKI Sales team. He has worked with Salesforce, SAP, Siemens, BASF, GE, Bloomberg, Dow Jones. He has toured the US with Steve Case, founder of AOL and his top 400 Startups have gone on to raise over 9 billion dollars after being coached by him. Stewart wrote his first book “The Storytelling Hero” with Wiley, published in March 2023 and is just about to release his second “The confident communicator toolkit”.
Stewart is deeply passionate about helping his clients to become confident at telling their story and presenting their message to their audiences. He also adores his wife, 2 children, dog Sully, and drinking long blacks!